Investesc pana la 100000 euro in IT, inginerie, dezvoltare
- Judet: Timis
- Regiune: Banat-Crisana-Maramures
- Tip: Servicii IT&C Telecom, Programare, Service, Fabrici (diverse), Servicii
Investesc pana la 100.000 euro in afacerea ta IT, inginerie, dezvoltare. Sunt anteprenor cu experienta de peste 15 ani si caut sa investesc pana la 100.000 euro sau chiar si mai mult in diverse afaceri profitabile care au nevoie de capital de dezvoltare contra unui procent din afacere.
In principiu ma intereseaza domenii tehnice: dezvoltare IT/software, inginerie (engineering), fabricare/dezvoltare de produse (R&D), tehnologii si/sau automatizari, comunicatii, securitate sau consultanta pentru unul sau mai multe din exemplele enumerate. Sunt deschis insa si la alte propuneri daca e ceva inovator.
Astept un mesaj privat care sa contina:
- o descriere a afacerii;
- un plan de afaceri (fa-mi un rezumat daca nu il ai inca);
- ce fel de colaborare te intereseaza.
Ideea ta trebuie sa fie structurata si sa nu reprezinte doar un one-time hit sau o opurtunitate in care eu sa fiu principala resursa executanta. Multumesc, am destule joburi!
Pot sa iti semnez si un acord NDA/non-compete daca reusesti sa imi starnesti interesul fara sa dai date confidentiale. Dar sa stii ca nu am de gand sa fur ideea nimenui - pt ca eu oricum nu am timp de implementare.
Nu investesc in afaceri dubioase si nu ofer imprumuturi.
Nu ma intereseaza investitii imobiliare, in terenuri sau mai stiu eu ce pensiuni in varf de deal, restaurante, fastfood-uri sau alte idei de a face bani doar din comert sau din invarteli ilegale.
Din considerație pentru timpul meu, voi raspunde doar atunci cand sunt respectate cerintele de mai sus pentru inceperea unui dialog.
~ English version: Investing up to 100,000 euros in your IT, engineering, development business I am an entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience looking to invest up to 100,000 euros or even more in various profitable businesses that need development capital for a percentage of the business. Mainly, I am interested in technical fields: IT/software development, engineering, manufacturing/product development (R&D), technologies and/or automation, communications, security or consulting for one or more of the listed examples. However, I am also open to other proposals if it is something innovative. I am expecting a message containing: - a description of the business; - a business plan (give me a summary if you don't have it yet); - what kind of collaboration you are interested in? Your idea must be structured and not represent only a one-time hit or an opportunity in which I will be the main executing resource. Thank you, I have enough jobs! I could also sign an NDA/non-compete agreement if you manage to have my interest without giving me confidential data. But know that I'm not going to steal anyone's idea - because I don't have time to implement it anyway. I do not invest in sketchy businesses and do not offer loans. I'm not interested in real estate investments, in land acquisitions or I don't know what guesthouses on the top of some hill, restaurants, fast food or other ideas to make money only from trade or from illegal spins. In consideration of my time, I will respond only when the above requirements for starting a dialogue are met.
- Buget pt achizitie: 50.000 - 100.000 EUR
- Cifra de afaceri a firmei sa fie intre: 50.000 - 100.000 EUR